A young and thriving legal firm founded on the experience of lawyer Giancarlo Costa. Associated with Verdiramo & Verdiramo Professional Association, Jersey City (U.S.A.)

Obtaining his degree cum laude at 23 years of age from the University of Rome La Sapienza, Giancarlo Costa heads an organic capable of combining an extensive knowledge of each legal sector with a astute understanding of each of its elements. They range from judicial (civil, penal, commercial) to out-of-court (contracts, transactions, conciliations) fields.

The primary intent of the firm is to provide an efficient and complete solution to all legal matters, whether the client is a company or an individual.

Rounding out the services provided by the firm is a vast list of support professionals that have been meticulously chosen throughout the years: accountants, notaries, tax and labor consultants, detectives, information science experts, medical examiners, etc. The studio also has strong partnerships with other legal studios across Italy.


Penal law is that branch which deals with the application of those norms that impose imprisonment or fines in reference to determining human behaviors. The norms in question may be stipulated in both criminal code and other normative sources.


Criminal taxation law is the branch of Penal Law that deals with sanctions imposed by normative measures that regulate the obligations of fiscal payments.


Corporate law is the branch of Penal Law with deals with crimes committed by those who hold social positions within a company. It also deals with the types of responsibilities that pertain to a commercial company in regards to their employees or representatives.


Urban and Environmental Law pertains to the branch of Penal Law that is relative to the application of those repressive norms established to safeguard the urban layout of a territory, as well as the well-being of an environmental from factors of industrial or residential pollution.


This is the branch of Penal Law that deals with the norms that impose criminal sanctions to protect job security and to safeguard a worker’s tax and social security rights.


Giancarlo Costa

Born in Rome in 1964, he obtained his Jurisprudence degree at the age of 23 from the University of Rome La Sapienza. Since december 2004 he has been qualified for the Supreme Court.
In 2014 he overcame the examination of Clinical Psychology in the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in the frame of his studies on Forensic Psychopatology.
He is specialized in:

Penal Law
Criminal Taxation Law
Corporate Law
Urban and Enviromental Law
Criminal Labor Law


Please send us a message if you have questions, or any type of enquiries.

Via Crescenzio 43 -
00195 ROMA

Verdiramo & Verdiramo P.A.
3163 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City

mob +39 333 3965807